Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cloth Diapering Day #2

I think it's safe to say baby loves his new cloth diapers, I think he knows how cute he looks. I've only received 3 of my 15 diaper order so I'm using both cloth and disposables and I already hate using the disposables. So far I've noticed:

-they don't stink, normally I know instantly that he needs a diaper change even from across the room. With cloth diapers there is no smell, a completely soaked diaper has no noticeable scent even after taking it off of him. 

-he doesn't mind them as much. Every diaper change is a battle with this one, he is an active STRONG little man. Every time I've put a cloth diaper on him, there has been no fight, maybe because it's so comfy on his little butt?

-cleaning them is much easier than I imagined. When using liners to throw away "solids", it is very easy to wash them. 

I think I may be converted to cloth! :)

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