Thursday, June 6, 2013

Definitely going to be out of commission for a few days.

I definitely expected a little laproscopic gallbladder surgery to be nothing. I was even going to sign up for a Sunday class until my husband talked me out of it.  I must say this feels TERRIBLE. The incision is fine, the gas is a nightmare. My shoulder blades and my belly and the area where my gallbladder used to be are in agony with gas pains. I just want to cry and send my husband to buy me a second heating pad. My poor 10 month old son doesn't understand why mommy can't hold him or breastfeed for a few days. The husband took him upstairs with a bottle of mommy milk to attempt to calm him down and let him sleep. Being around me makes him more upset and angry. & I thought my husband would get a chance to finish up some projects this weekend, he'll be lucky if the kid lets him get a shower ;p

This weekend: Doing nothing that will involve removing my heating pad :)

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