Friday, May 31, 2013


Ever look at your life and wonder, what happened? Last time I checked I was a 17 year old high school senior, accepted into her dream school with law school ambitions.What happened? I met a boy, who then joined the Army. After a semester of college I left to marry him and move to the California desert, to one of the least desired duty stations in the military. Before I knew it I was a housewife, stuck at home all day, sometimes for days at a time. My husband and I spent three years in the desert before having our first child. Almost immediately after he was born the Army separated us. His father spent 5 months away before relocating our Germany! 

Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful life and a beautiful family. This just isn't what I pictured for myself, and my domestic skills need work. The first thing I've learned since having my son almost 10 months ago: being a stay at home mom is hard. Much harder than I could have ever imagined. Being a mom and a student: feels impossible sometimes. The house is a mess, the baby rips my textbooks, and the husband can be pretty lazy. Today begins my transition from sloppy mommy, to domestic goddess. This should be interesting.

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